Category: Prevention

Mother and child on the beach applying sunscreen

Everything You Need to Know About Skin Cancer Prevention

With summer time comes lots of sunshine, but with it comes a slew of health concerns. Why is sunscreen important? Should you call your doctor about that mole? Here’s what you need to know about skin cancer prevention.

Man speaking to doctor on laptop for telemedicine appointment

4 Steps to an Effective Telemedicine Visit

Telemedicine can be a convenient alternative to in-person appointments, but they do come with a learning curve. Learn what steps you should take to have the most effective telemedicine appointment possible.

Person holding a heart in their hands

Don’t Let Your Heart Health Slide During the Pandemic

Novel coronavirus is keeping many of us out of the doctor’s office. However, it’s important to continue getting your cardiovascular screenings. Learn how to take care of your heart health during the pandemic.

Doctor sitting across from patient at desk

Why You Shouldn’t Delay Your Mammogram During the Pandemic

Even during the coronavirus pandemic, getting your mammogram is still important. Find out who needs to get a mammogram when, and what we’re doing to keep you safe during your visit to the doctor.

Older man sitting in living room with doctor on laptop

Getting Set Up for a Telemedicine Appointment

More hospitals and doctor’s offices are offering telemedicine as an alternative to in-person care. Learn what technology you need to set up a telemedicine appointment.

Medications spilling out on countertop

4 Common Medication Management Mistakes to Avoid

Misusing or mismanaging your medications can lead to serious problems. See what common mistakes you might be making with your medications and how you can remedy them.

African American Woman

Why You Should Go to Your Well-Woman Exam This Year

When you’re caught up in life’s hustle and bustle, it can be easy to let your health take last priority. While it may be tempting to skip your annual well-woman exam, it’s actually one of the most important things a woman can do for her health.

Young black couple cooking healthy foods together

4 Practical Tips for Reducing Your Heart Disease Risk

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in Maryland, but that doesn’t mean that heart problems are inevitable. There are many changes you can make to your day-to-day life that will decrease your risk. Find out how.

Man who has fallen down on the ice

5 Ways to Avoid the ER This Winter

Winter presents potentially injury-causing hazards more than almost any other season. Studies have shown that winter months, especially during harsh weather years, coincide with a spike in emergency room visits. Learn some of the simple ways you can stay out of the ER this winter.

Man jogging on snowy trail with golden retriever to exercise and help immune system

7 Ways to Boost Your Immune System

Your immune system defends your body against microorganisms that cause sickness and disease. The stronger your immune system, the less likely you are to get sick.  The first step to keeping your immune system strong?