Your Guide to Common Bites and Rashes

Outdoor fun is a great and healthy way to spend the summer months, but it may result in a bug bites or rashes. Here’s how to treat them and get back outside for summer fun quicker.

It’s the height of summer, which means bug bites and rashes are most prevalent due to outdoor activities.

Outdoor activities are healthy for you, but bug bites and rashes can present a problem. Do you know the difference between common bug bites and stings or how to treat a rash from poisonous plants or heat rash?

Our guide to bug bites and skin rashes provides at-home remedies but also recommends when to seek medical attention.

Read more about bug bites, stings and rashes.

University of Maryland Medical Center's guide to common insect bites and skin rashes that are most prevalent during the warmer months of the year.
Infographic breaks down the most common bites and stings from bees, wasps,  spiders and ticks. It also shares how to treat these bites and stings at home and when to seek emergency care.
Infographic explains two rashes, poison ivy and heat rash, and also includes at-home care instructions and when to seek care from a physician.
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