Erectile Dysfunction Treatments

If you or a man in your life is experiencing erectile dysfunction, there is nothing to be embarrassed about and help is available. Learn what causes ED and how you can resolve its symptoms.

Many men are reluctant to talk about erectile dysfunction (ED). But, it’s a common medical issue for which treatment options exist.

Erectile Dysfunction Facts

Experts describe erectile dysfunction as “an erection that is not suitable for satisfaction, in terms of function.” There can be varying degrees of what that means, depending on the individual man.

As mentioned, ED is quite common. It affects almost one-third of men in their early 50s. This statistic rises to 40 percent among men in their 60s. Nationwide, about 20 million men suffer from erectile dysfunction on a long-term basis.

Reduced blood flow is the primary underlying problem in erectile dysfunction. Other common issues that affect ED include:

  • high blood pressure
  • heart disease
  • diabetes
  • obesity
  • smoking history

Sometimes, a man appears medically healthy with normal blood tests and testosterone levels but still experiences ED. The root cause in this case may be stress. For example, financial troubles, work stress, or relationship struggles. Unfortunately, erectile dysfunction can then compound stress.

Treatment Options for Erectile Dysfunction

Different medications exist to help address ED. They work to increase blood flow, which creates pressure and allows men to maintain an erection. There is also a shot men can administer themselves, which has about a 99% effectiveness.

Simply taking a “pill” may not be enough to resolve the symptoms. It is important to identify what is causing the erectile dysfunction, so that all factors get addressed. Men may need to maximize their overall health to aid in managing this condition.

If the underlying cause is stress or another psychological factor, the man may benefit from counseling or therapy. A therapist or psychologist can provide tools for reducing stress. They may also help men navigate any “blame” that may occur within a relationship.

Men Don’t Have to Suffer

No man wishes erectile dysfunction upon himself, but it does happen—and often. Experts urge any man who is experiencing ED to visit with a urologist. Then, together, they can determine next steps based on the man’s individual needs.

Listen to a Podcast

This podcast features Dr. David Levy of UM Charles Regional Medical Group – Urology, who answers the questions many men are afraid to ask but should! Not only do we discuss what it is and how to treat ED, but how to talk to your partner, how to deal with the depression that it may cause and how to prevent it. Listen to it below, on your favorite streaming network or on our website: Transcript available on our website.

Are you or a loved one suffering from Erectile Dysfunction?

Talk to a University of Maryland Medical System Urologist today.

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