Men: Take Your Health Back!

It’s no secret over the last year or so, some of our healthy habits have been on the decline. As the weather warms up, it’s a perfect time to recommit to your wellness goals. UMMS can help you get back on track.

Call Your Provider

Your routine checkups and health screenings may need attention. If it’s been a while since you’ve had a checkup or a blood test, your health care provider can help you return to a regular schedule.

Book Those Screenings

Remember to set up screenings that can catch chronic diseases early. If you’re 45 or older, it could mean a colonoscopy to detect colorectal cancer. Depending on your age or family history, your provider might also recommend screenings for prostate or lung cancer.

Make a Fitness Commitment

You may not be quite ready to return to the gym, but you can still get the recommended 150 hours of moderate activity a week at home or around your neighborhood. Talk to your provider about an exercise plan that works for you.

Make Healthy Food Choices

For some of us, comfort food got us through the pandemic, but it did our health no favors. Focus on leafy greens, fresh fruit, and lean meats — and cut back the sweets and salty snacks.

Sleep Makes a Difference

Good sleep habits improve your mood and can boost your immune system, help you lose weight and strengthen your heart. Turn off those screens and stick to a regular bedtime for best results.

Don’t Forget Your Mental Health

Studies show depression and anxiety in men have risen. Your primary care provider can recommend stress reduction techniques and a therapist, if needed.

UMMS Can Help

If you need a wellness visit or a mental health check in, contact a University of Maryland Medical System provider today and schedule an appointment.

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