Misusing your medications can lead to serious problems. It can make the medication ineffective or do harm to your body. Mismanagement of medications can even lead to addiction, depending on the prescription.
Want to know what medication management mistakes you might be making? Follow these helpful tips.
Not Understanding Your Medications
Know what medications you’re taking and why. It’s important to understand each of your prescription medications. Consider keeping an up-to-date list of your medications to take to your doctor appointments. Include any over-the-counter drugs and supplements you take. Be certain of what your medications look like.
When it comes to your medications, it’s vital to be proactive and be your own health care advocate. Ask your doctor or pharmacist if you notice any changes to a medication’s appearance. Remind your prescriber of any allergies you have.
Not Taking Your Medications As Prescribed
Medicines only work effectively if they are taken correctly and consistently. Know the correct time and dose to take and whether it needs to be taken with food. If you are not sure how to take a prescribed medication, such as an inhaler or eyedrops, ask the pharmacist for more information. Never take someone else’s medication.
Storing Your Medications Improperly
Store your medication properly. Drugs should typically be stored in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight. Avoid keeping medications in a bathroom medicine cabinet or a hot car. Keep drugs in their original safety containers with the lids tight. Store them out of reach of children and pets. Do not keep expired or unneeded drugs.
Not Knowing How to Dispose of Your Medications
Dispose of unwanted medications by bringing them to a drug take-back site, or ask your pharmacist for instructions on how to safely dispose of them at home. Disposing of your medications properly can save you or a family member’s life. Most teenagers who misuse prescription drugs get them legally, either taking them from a friend or family member or taking old medications that they no longer need.