How to Be Your Own Health Care Advocate

Health care can be complex, but it’s important to make sure that you are an active participant in your treatment plan. Find out how you can become your own health care advocate and develop a productive partnership with your providers.

The more you use health care, the more complex it gets. As people age, they generally use more services and providers than at any other time in their lives.

Not only are they dealing with the physical issues that diseases and conditions create, but they are balancing a lot of information, tests, expenses and decisions that need to be made.

Want to know how to be your own health care advocate? Remember your ABC’s:

Ask Questions

Today, doctors are busier than ever and often use medical terminology that can be confusing for the average person. It is important to be proactive by asking questions and taking notes so you can remember their recommendations. Keep in mind that there are no dumb questions. It is your life and your health. You have a right to get answers.

Be Prepared

Before your doctors’ appointment, take a few moments to think about the questions you want to ask your doctor. You can make a list of questions or bring a loved one with you that can help you. Both of these things will give you time for you and your doctor to understand your treatment plan and each other.

Communicate Your Concerns and Wishes

Your doctor needs to know any obstacles you might be dealing with, whether it’s problems paying for a prescribed medication or the kinds of treatments you’re open to. Communicating your needs and wishes to your doctor allows them to create a treatment plan that will work for your specific situation.

Find a Doctor You Can Trust.

Take the first step toward being your own health care advocate.

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