Tag: Skin Health

How to Reduce Your Risk of Skin Cancer
There’s nothing like spending time outdoors on a sunny day. But exposure to harmful UV rays remains the leading cause of skin cancer. While some other risk factors for skin cancer are out of your control, certain lifestyle changes can make a big difference.

Skin Cancer on Your Face: How to Deal with It
The best way to reduce your chances of getting skin cancer is to wear sunscreen, long sleeves and a wide-brimmed hat, and stay indoors during the hottest parts of the day. Still, there’s no 100 percent guaranteed way to prevent skin cancer. If you develop skin cancer on your face, a quick diagnosis allows you to treat it with the best results.

What Can You Do About a Wound that Won’t Heal?
Do you have a non-healing wound? It’s important to get control of the situation now. Our experts have solutions for chronic wounds.