Tag: Meditation

Living healthy, feeling good

The Power of Integrative Health

There used to be a time when taking care of your health meant going to the doctor when you were sick. The rest of the time? Business as usual. Now, medical experts understand there’s so much more to “good health.”

Yoga for Heart Health

Yoga and Meditation for Heart Health

Learn how adding yoga and other mind-body practices to your routine can help improve your heart.


Guided Meditation: A Daily Exercise to Reduce the Stress, Anxiety, and Depression in Your Life

Is stress keeping you from living your best life? Here’s a simple exercise you can do to center yourself on a daily basis.

Artful Meditation: A Handful of Gratitude

Gratitude is very important for self-care. It brings attention to the good things in your life. It emphasizes that there is good in with the bad, and there is a lot of good when you

Older woman meditating on her sofa at home

Yes, Meditation Can Help Lower Your Blood Pressure

Meditation provides many health benefits that are still being uncovered by research, but did you know it can lower your blood pressure? Find out how meditation can have this effect on your body and how to do it.