Tag: Heart Disease

Man putting hand over heart when feeling chest pain

When to Seek Emergency Room Care for Cardiovascular Symptoms

Having a heart attack is a life-threatening situation that needs to be addressed immediately, but how do you know if you’re experiencing one? Find out when to seek emergency room care for cardiovascular symptoms

Heart healthy foods shaped in a heart on a wood table

Sink Your Teeth Into These 8 Heart-Healthy Foods

Want to maximize your heart health? Stock your kitchen with these eight superfoods to reduce your risk of heart disease.

Smoke from cars on a cold winter day

Air Pollution’s Effect on Heart Disease

Air pollution can have detrimental effects on cardiovascular health. Let’s explore what air pollution can do to the heart, and what you can do to care for yourself in bad breathing conditions.

Blue illustrations of DNA

The Link Between Family History and Cardiovascular Health

Your genetic makeup can increase your risk for cardiovascular disease, but you can take steps to shift the narrative. Find out what you can do.

Older couple making a heart shape with their hands.

4 Ways to Care for a Loved One with Heart Disease from a Distance

When you’re separated from a loved one with heart disease, it can be difficult to help them manage the condition. Here are some easy ways that you can help.

Person holding a heart in their hands

Don’t Let Your Heart Health Slide During the Pandemic

Novel coronavirus is keeping many of us out of the doctor’s office. However, it’s important to continue getting your cardiovascular screenings. Learn how to take care of your heart health during the pandemic.

Doctor taking patient's blood pressure with a cuff

What Do Your Blood Pressure Numbers Actually Mean?

When it comes to blood pressure, the highs, lows and what’s normal can be confusing. Learn more about what these numbers mean and why they should matter to you and your heart.

Older couple riding bikes together outside

How to Keep Your Blood Pressure Under Control

High blood pressure is common and often undiagnosed. If you have or develop high blood pressure, your risk of having a heart attack or stroke rises. In fact, high blood pressure is the biggest risk factor for stroke and a leading cause of heart attacks. Discover what lifestyle changes you can make to bring down your levels or reduce your risk of developing high blood pressure.