Tag: genetic testing

Talking to a genetic counselor about breast cancer

Genetic Testing for Breast Cancer

Breast cancer can run in families. It’s important that you know your family history, as well as the genetic, medical or behavioral factors that increase your risk of developing breast cancer. Genetic testing for breast cancer can give you important information that you can use to be proactive with monitoring, screening and lifestyle changes that may reduce your risk.

Genetic Testing Counseling

What You Should Know About Genetic Testing for Cancer

Your DNA makes you unique – different from even your parents and siblings. It can also raise your risk of developing cancer and other diseases. If you have a family history of cancer, it might be wise to see a genetic counselor.

prenatal genetic testing with ultrasound

When Should You Consider Prenatal Genetic Testing?

Pregnancy is exciting, but it’s also a time filled with making important decisions. For some, that means deciding whether to undergo prenatal genetic testing. The decision to do prenatal genetic testing can be complicated, but it can help to learn as much as you can about how it works.