Tag: Concerning Symptoms

Strokes 101: How to Identify and Prevent Strokes

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in the United States, someone has a stroke every 40 seconds—and every four minutes, an individual dies from stroke. While those may seem like staggering statistics, 80% of strokes are preventable.

7 Tips for Dealing With Chronic Insomnia

Do you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep? Millions of Americans have some type of sleep disorder, which is any condition that negatively impacts the ability to sleep. Thankfully, there are ways to get the rest you need.

Do’s and Don’ts for a Back Injury

Ever felt a twinge in your back? For most of us, it’s a familiar sensation. But in some cases, back discomfort can be a sign of a back injury.

What Helps Restless Legs Syndrome? Plus 3 Things to Avoid

Many people have dealt with a jumpy sensation in the body at some point as they try to drift off to sleep. But when it occurs persistently and primarily affects the legs, it can be a sign of restless legs syndrome, a common sleep disorder.

The Top 10 Signs You Might Need a Concussion Test

If you’ve ever watched a sporting event on TV or in person, you’ve probably seen at least one athlete taken off the field with a concussion. This type of traumatic brain injury is common, particularly among athletes, but would you recognize the symptoms if you or a loved one needed a concussion test?

Recognizing Appendicitis: Signs Your Sudden Abdominal Pain May Be More Serious

Appendicitis is a medical emergency. Knowing the signs and symptoms of appendicitis can help you and your loved ones receive timely treatment.

Woman laying on sofa with headache

Is It a Headache or Something More Serious?

Headaches are common and can be caused by many different things, but it’s important to know when you should get professional help. Learn more.

Older male business man standing on city street

Having Urinary Problems? Learn These 5 Warning Signs for Men

Did you know that your urine can tell you if you have a serious condition? Find out what five symptoms you should be watching for if you are having urinary problems.

Young woman puts hand on forehead from fever and blows nose

Should You Go to the ER or Urgent Care?

You never know when an unexpected emergency or health problem may strike. If your primary care provider’s office isn’t open, do you know where to go? Discover how you can discern whether to go to the emergency room or urgent care.

Older woman putting hand over chest as she experiences chest pain

Women’s Heart Attack Symptoms: Do You Know the Signs?

The classic heart attack symptom is described as feeling a huge weight on your chest. Yet women’s symptoms often differ from men’s. Women may have more subtle symptoms prior to a cardiovascular event, such as increasing fatigue or insomnia.