Tag: Concerning Symptoms


Ischemic Stroke: How You Can Avoid One

Strokes are very common – and very dangerous. If you see signs that someone is having a stroke, call 9-1-1 immediately. Learn the signs and how to decrease your chance of having a stroke.

sprained ankle

Sprain vs. Strain: How to Recognize and Treat Each Injury

Sprains and strains have a lot in common, from how they tend to occur to symptoms and treatment. The key difference between them lies in which soft tissues they affect.

Chemo Brain

Coming Back from Chemo Brain

Think about this scenario: Your cancer is gone or in remission, but there are new problems. You find yourself asking the same question over and over, have trouble concentrating at work or need more sticky note reminders. You may have developed “chemo brain.” But what is it and how to you cope?

Heat vs Ice

Heat Vs. Ice: Which Does Your Injury Need?

Heat vs. ice—the classic battle. When you experience a minor injury, you’re probably considering some old-fashioned, DIY pain management: heat or ice. Which works best? You don’t have to guess any longer. By understanding what to use on your pains and strains, you can help your injury heal.

COPD and Women

COPD in Women and Underserved Populations

COPD is one of the most common lung-related diseases in the world, and it affects women more than men. Learn why your risk for COPD can be different depending on who you are and get tips for managing this often-debilitating condition.

Broken bones in cast

Broken Bones: How to Spot Them and Where to Seek Care

Your bones can bear a lot, but they have breaking points. Broken bones occur when these important parts of your skeletal framework meet more force than they can handle.

Avoiding Heart Disease

How to Avoid Heart Disease

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States–but it doesn’t have to be.


Lymphedema: A Common Cancer Treatment Side Effect

Treating cancer can have unintended consequences. One is lymphedema, which is swelling that occurs in an area of the body where there is surgery/radiation to treat cancer. Managing this condition can help you enjoy the best quality of life possible during and after cancer treatment.

COPD and Allergies

COPD and Allergies

Indoor and outdoor allergens may worsen COPD symptoms, including asthma. Avoiding them is your best course of action, but what do you do if you can’t?

Urinary Tract Infection

Urinary Tract Infections: Prevention is Key

Medical statistics indicate that as many as 60% of women will suffer from a urinary tract infection (UTI) at some point in their lives. But the good news is that UTIs are easily treated with the right medical care and can even be prevented with a few simple steps.