Spine surgeon looking at x ray on tablet with patient

Is Minimally Invasive Back Surgery Right for You?

If you are a candidate for spine surgery, you may be wondering what surgical approach is right for you. Learn more about what minimally invasive back surgery is, the pros and cons of the approach and how to find the right surgeon.

Salmon and a salad

Osteoarthritis: 5 Foods to Eat and 5 to Avoid to Help Control your Symptoms

Osteoarthritis affects 30 million Americans every year. While there are many ways to get relief from osteoarthritis, diet can also help ease some of the inflammation. Let’s explore diet plans that both worsen and improve patient symptoms.

Cancer patient standing on beach

Caring for Your Mental Health when You Have Cancer

Let’s explore the toll cancer can take on a person’s mental health along with helpful strategies patients and their loved ones can use to improve their emotional symptoms.

Doctor pointing to spine model

How to Access Spine Care Safely During the Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused some people to delay getting the care they need, including spine care. Find out when and how to get spine care during the coronavirus pandemic.

Heart healthy foods shaped in a heart on a wood table

Sink Your Teeth Into These 8 Heart-Healthy Foods

Want to maximize your heart health? Stock your kitchen with these eight superfoods to reduce your risk of heart disease.

Smoke from cars on a cold winter day

Air Pollution’s Effect on Heart Disease

Air pollution can have detrimental effects on cardiovascular health. Let’s explore what air pollution can do to the heart, and what you can do to care for yourself in bad breathing conditions.

Heart ornament hanging from tree

How to Avoid Holiday Heart Syndrome

Overindulging in alcohol is common around the holidays, but drinking too much can affect your heart. Here’s how you can determine if you have holiday heart syndrome.

Older woman with headache

Why a Mini-stroke Poses a Big Risk to Your Health

A ministroke isn’t quite a stroke, but the two have a lot in common. When a ministroke occurs, a stroke may not be far behind. Learn more.

Aspirin Pills Spilling Out of Bottle

Do You Need a Daily Aspirin?

For years, aspirin was recommended as a prevention measure against heart attacks and strokes. Let’s take a look at the risks associated with daily aspirin consumption, as well as who may still benefit from this preventive treatment.

Woman gripping pelvis and needing to use the bathroom

Everything You Need to Know About Urinary Incontinence

According to the National Association for Continence, about 17 million U.S. adults have daily urinary incontinence. Despite this, many people with the condition express feelings of embarrassment or shame. Learn more about this common condition and how you can relieve symptoms.