Man with diverticulitis holding left side of abdomen

How to Relieve Diverticulitis Symptoms

When you are experiencing symptoms of diverticulitis, you may feel pain and other digestive issues on the left side of your abdomen. While symptoms may not always be present, flare-ups can cause a lot of trouble. But there are ways to lower your chance of getting it by watching what foods you eat.

woman taking calcium supplement for osteoporosis

Calcium Supplements for Osteoporosis

You’ve heard it all your life: Calcium builds strong bones. It’s why your parents served you milk when you were growing up. It’s why low-fat dairy and leafy greens are an important part of your adult diet. But are calcium supplements right for you?

Woman with bug bites

What to Do for Bites, Stings, and Rashes

Summer activities often mean more time outdoors. This can be great for overall health–more time spent exercising and socializing with friends and loved ones. Unfortunately, it can also lead to a host of bites, bumps and rashes. Learn about common irritants, and how to treat them.

Staying Hydrated with Heart Failure

Avoiding Dehydration When You Have Heart Failure

In the hot summer months, it is important to stay hydrated, but with heart disease, you also need to watch how much you drink to prevent fluid build-up.

Getting a Better Night's Sleep

Expert Tips on How to Sleep Better

How well do you sleep? Whether you’ve experienced sleep issues throughout life or just recently, solutions exist. Read on to learn how you can take steps to ensure a good night’s rest.

Many men suffer from erectile dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction Treatments

If you or a man in your life is experiencing erectile dysfunction, there is nothing to be embarrassed about and help is available. Learn what causes ED and how you can resolve its symptoms.

Playing games with friends can help with coping

Coping with Cancer Recurrence

Receiving another cancer diagnosis can be a shock, but you can get through it. Learn why cancer sometimes comes back, what treatment options are available and, most importantly, how to cope.

Hernias often cause acid reflux

How Serious Is a Hernia?

There are many types of hernias, and they can range from nearly symptomless to digestive symptoms like acid reflux to extremely painful and even life-threatening. Learn more about the seriousness of a hernia and the best way to treat one.

Yoga for Heart Health

Yoga and Meditation for Heart Health

Learn how adding yoga and other mind-body practices to your routine can help improve your heart.

Heat Stroke

Signs of Heat Stroke

Heat stroke is life-threatening and requires immediate medical attention. As temperatures rise, know how to recognize the signs of heatstroke. It could help you prevent permanent damage from the condition.