Worried Woman and Man

Do I Have an STI? Learn to Recognize STI Symptoms

There’s no shame in having or talking about a sexually transmitted infection (STI). STIs are common health conditions that every sexually active person needs to consider. Most STIs are preventable, treatable or manageable. But they may cause serious medical issues if ignored. Learning how to recognize STI symptoms can help you and your sexual partners stay healthy.

Girl being cyber-bullied

Help Your Child Deal with Bullying

Has your child run into a bully or seen other kids get bullied? Take a deep breath. The best thing you can do is offer support, comfort and reassurance to your child during what’s undoubtedly a challenging time. Get tips here.

Tips for Reducing the Risk of Hip Fractures

Suffering a hip fracture is a significant life event. There are important basic measures that older adults can take to decrease their risk of hip fracture to avoid the pain, suffering and loss of mobility and independence that can follow.

Medical Nutrition Therapy

Medical Nutrition Therapy for Diabetes Management

Are you managing your diabetes well? Could you do a little better? Medical Nutrition Therapy is a great way to optimize your diabetes care.

Woman cooking a healthy meal

What Should a Kidney Disease Diet Include?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 1 in 7 Americans have chronic kidney disease. If you are among that number, it is important to take steps to protect your kidneys. A kidney disease diet is a good place to begin.

Pop Quiz Graphic

Pop Quiz: How Much Do You Know About the Health Benefits of Herbs and Spices?

Test your knowledge on the health benefits of herbs and spices with this quiz based on our “Cooking with Spices for Flavor and Health” article.

Reading Food Labels

A Guide to Better Understanding Food Labels

Food labels provide important nutrition information. They can help you make better choices when shopping at the grocery store. Do you understand food and beverage labels?

Woman feeling grateful

The Surprising Connection Between Gratitude and Mental Health

If you’re feeling stressed or depressed, it can be hard to remember to feel grateful for the small (and large) blessings in your life. But regularly practicing gratitude can improve your mental health.

Man with knee pain

The Connection Between Diabetes and Arthritis

Diabetes and arthritis affect a large number of U.S. adults. Although the conditions themselves are very different, they often occur together. Why?

Picnic Meal

Food Safety: Keep Your Meals Safe and Delicious

Whether you’re throwing a neighborhood party, having an intimate dinner or eating alone, food safety helps make your meal memorable for all the right reasons.