Category: Skin Health

How to Reduce Your Risk of Skin Cancer
There’s nothing like spending time outdoors on a sunny day. But exposure to harmful UV rays remains the leading cause of skin cancer. While some other risk factors for skin cancer are out of your control, certain lifestyle changes can make a big difference.

Skin Cancer on Your Face: How to Deal with It
The best way to reduce your chances of getting skin cancer is to wear sunscreen, long sleeves and a wide-brimmed hat, and stay indoors during the hottest parts of the day. Still, there’s no 100 percent guaranteed way to prevent skin cancer. If you develop skin cancer on your face, a quick diagnosis allows you to treat it with the best results.

What Can You Do About a Wound that Won’t Heal?
Do you have a non-healing wound? It’s important to get control of the situation now. Our experts have solutions for chronic wounds.

Bruise First Aid and When to Get Help
Contusions, commonly called bruises, happen when blood vessels under the skin break, but the skin isn’t cut. Here’s how to get them to heal faster.

10 Common Psoriatic Arthritis Symptoms
If you’ve been diagnosed with psoriasis already, you know the condition can cause uncomfortable issues with your skin. But for some patients, they can develop psoriatic arthritis. Learn the 10 most common symptoms and how to treat it.

What to Do for Bites, Stings, and Rashes
Summer activities often mean more time outdoors. This can be great for overall health–more time spent exercising and socializing with friends and loved ones. Unfortunately, it can also lead to a host of bites, bumps and rashes. Learn about common irritants, and how to treat them.

Contact Dermatitis: Is Your Laundry Detergent Causing a Skin Rash?
You recently started using a new brand of laundry detergent, and now you have an itchy rash. Could the laundry detergent be to blame? Yes. Your rash could be the result of contact dermatitis, a reaction to components in the detergent.

Does Your Burn Need Medical Attention?
When should you treat a burn at home versus going to an urgent care center or the emergency room? Some burns can easily be treated at home, but more serious burns require immediate care. Here’s how to tell the difference.

Everything You Need to Know About Skin Cancer Prevention
With summer time comes lots of sunshine, but with it comes a slew of health concerns. Why is sunscreen important? Should you call your doctor about that mole? Here’s what you need to know about skin cancer prevention.

Protect Your Skin From The Sun With These 8 Easy Tips
Everyone knows that sunscreen is essential for shielding your skin against the sun’s harmful rays, but did you know that clothing can also give you protection? Find out more about this and other surprising ways you can protect your skin from the sun this summer.