Category: Healthy Living

Teenager talking to nurse

Managing the Move from Pediatrics to Adult Care

As children age, their health needs change, and so should their care. Here’s what you need to know to help your children transition from pediatrics to adult care.

Little boy eating chocolate

6 Surprising Foods with Caffeine—and What to Do When You’ve Had Too Much

Caffeine can impact your sleep and make you anxious, and considering there are so many drinks and foods with caffeine, you may not realize how much you’re consuming.

Basketball players drinking water

Recognizing Dehydration Symptoms in Athletes

Athletes of every age, ability and activity are at risk of experiencing dehydration symptoms. Maintaining proper hydration before, during and after exercise is key to performing your best and getting the greatest benefit out of your workouts.

Bowl with tofu and veggies

Is Tofu a Healthy Alternative to Meat?

A person’s food preferences can become a big debate. Tofu versus meat is a prime example, showcasing how different nutritional concepts can often clash. Which is healthier, though? Learn more about tofu to understand what sets it apart from traditional protein.

Man stretching at his desk

Exercise Snacks & Other Ways to Counteract Too Much Sitting

If you spend hours each day sitting at a desk in front of a computer, you aren’t alone. Could “exercise snacks” be enough to counteract all that sitting?

Pickleball Match

Preventing Pickleball Injuries

Pickleball-related injuries range from mild sprains to severe muscular strains and joint complications. Thankfully, many players can effectively prevent and treat these injuries by knowing what causes them, how to prevent injury and what recovery looks like.

woman being checked for skin cancer

How to Reduce Your Risk of Skin Cancer

There’s nothing like spending time outdoors on a sunny day. But exposure to harmful UV rays remains the leading cause of skin cancer. While some other risk factors for skin cancer are out of your control, certain lifestyle changes can make a big difference.

Woman standing on scale

How to Lower Your BMI & Why It Matters When You Have Heart Failure

If you have a heart health issue like heart failure, you can take steps to keep your heart healthy and strong. Knowing how to lower BMI is an important step in that direction.

Woman doing yoga

Change Is Coming: Recognizing the Signs of Menopause

Each woman’s transition to menopause is as unique as she is. Many women, however, experience some of the same symptoms. Knowing the signs of menopause can empower you to take action to enhance your health and well-being.

Man and woman happy and exercising outside

Why Exercise Impacts So Much More Than Your Waistline

While some people associate exercise with weight loss, there are so many additional health benefits.