Category: Healthy Living

Ask These Questions About Your Heart Failure Medications
Staying informed about your heart failure medications can improve your quality of life. Learn the key questions to ask your doctor or pharmacist to ensure you’re taking the right steps for your health.

Antibiotic Resistance: Addressing a Growing Challenge
Antibiotics are powerful medicines that help us counter infections caused by bacteria. However, the effectiveness of these lifesaving drugs is at risk due to antibiotic resistance.

Not Just for Kids: What to Know About RSV in Adults
Your little one was just diagnosed with RSV, and his pediatrician said to be careful taking him around older adults. But why is that? The precaution is because RSV in adults, particularly those aged 60 and older, can be dangerous.

Just the Facts: Is Caffeine Bad for Kids?
Caffeine gives adults a nice boost of energy to kickstart the day or help them through an evening of work. But what about when kids drink the stimulant? What kinds of effects does caffeine have on kids? Learn about how caffeine affects our bodies and whether caffeinated products can harm children.

Nutrition for Athletes: Fueling Your Performance
Proper nutrition is key to athletic success, giving athletes the fuel they need to perform at their best. By eating a balanced diet, athletes can boost their energy, help muscles recover, and lower their risk of injury.

Digestive Health Facts for You to Digest
We all use our digestive system every day, every time we eat and drink. Many of us take this complex system for granted, so take time to understand how it works so you can keep it healthy.

How to Get the Most Out of Your Heart Failure Medicine
Remembering to take your medications is important. Learn what else can you do to get the most out of your heart failure medicines.

Mindfulness Activities for Stress Management
Being aware and accepting of your current situation can help you manage any stress you might feel. It can also help you enjoy life more when all is well. Learn how to be more mindful with the activities listed here.

How to Manage High Cholesterol and Protect Your Heart
Have you been told you have high cholesterol? Learning how to manage this condition can help you protect your heart.

What’s the Best Kind of Exercise for Type 2 Diabetes?
If you have Type 2 diabetes, your provider may have recommended that you exercise regularly. But when is the best time? And what should you do? Here are some tips to get you started.