Category: Healthy Living

Woman sitting up in bed at night

Stay Connected With Your Loved Ones Struggling With Addiction During the Pandemic

It’s hard to be there for your loved ones struggling with addiction during the COVID-19 pandemic, but however far away you are, it’s important to try. Find out the steps you can take to help.

Older couple making a heart shape with their hands.

4 Ways to Care for a Loved One with Heart Disease from a Distance

When you’re separated from a loved one with heart disease, it can be difficult to help them manage the condition. Here are some easy ways that you can help.

Mother and child on the beach applying sunscreen

Everything You Need to Know About Skin Cancer Prevention

With summer time comes lots of sunshine, but with it comes a slew of health concerns. Why is sunscreen important? Should you call your doctor about that mole? Here’s what you need to know about skin cancer prevention.

Older woman smiling outdoors

How to Stay Connected to Your Older Relative

When an older parent or relative lives in a long-term care facility, it can be difficult to stay connected with them — especially if you can’t visit. Learn some easy ways that you can stay connected to your older relative from a distance.

Spread of fibrous foods like nuts and fruits

5 Ways to Improve Gut Health

Recent research has found that having diverse and healthy bacteria in the gut is a key part of good health. Find out how to keep your gut bacteria happy and flourishing.

Man speaking to doctor on laptop for telemedicine appointment

4 Steps to an Effective Telemedicine Visit

Telemedicine can be a convenient alternative to in-person appointments, but they do come with a learning curve. Learn what steps you should take to have the most effective telemedicine appointment possible.

Older man sitting in living room with doctor on laptop

Getting Set Up for a Telemedicine Appointment

More hospitals and doctor’s offices are offering telemedicine as an alternative to in-person care. Learn what technology you need to set up a telemedicine appointment.

Medications spilling out on countertop

4 Common Medication Management Mistakes to Avoid

Misusing or mismanaging your medications can lead to serious problems. See what common mistakes you might be making with your medications and how you can remedy them.

Older woman sitting with weights as she exercises at home

How Exercise Can Boost Your Mood

You already know that exercise is good for you, but did you know that scientific evidence suggests that exercise plays a critical role in mental health? Learn how exercise influences your mood.

Young woman shopping for produce at farmers market

5 Reasons Why Farmers Markets are Good for You

When spring has sprung, farmers markets begin to open up everywhere. Farmers markets aren’t just a novelty — they are good for you too! See why so many doctors and nutritionists recommend visiting your local farmers market to get produce and other groceries.