Category: Health Awareness

Should I See a Urologist or My Primary Care Provider?
Urology problems are common, but it can be difficult to know where to turn when you experience uncomfortable symptoms. Learn when a urologist is your best option.

Is It Serious? Understanding Your Child’s Pain
Children may experience a variety of uncomfortable symptoms as they grow. Asking the right questions will help you know when to seek medical care.

Stress-Induced Heart Attacks: Fact or Fiction?
Discover how stress silently impacts your heart health and learn simple strategies to protect yourself from its harmful effects.

Yes, Meditation Can Help Lower Your Blood Pressure
Meditation provides many health benefits that are still being uncovered by research, but did you know it can lower your blood pressure? Find out how meditation can have this effect on your body and how to do it.

4 Steps to an Effective Telemedicine Visit
Telemedicine can be a convenient alternative to in-person appointments, but they do come with a learning curve. Learn what steps you should take to have the most effective telemedicine appointment possible.

Getting Set Up for a Telemedicine Appointment
More hospitals and doctor’s offices are offering telemedicine as an alternative to in-person care. Learn what technology you need to set up a telemedicine appointment.

26 Key Medical Terms That Everyone Should Know
We’ve all been there: Your doctor is trying to explain something important to you, but all you hear is jargon and acronyms. Sometimes understanding just enough to ask the right questions can make all the difference. Learn these key medical terms and have more informed conversations with your doctor.

5 Reasons Why You Need a Primary Care Provider
While you can receive some of the same types of basic care from walk-in clinics or urgent care centers, primary care providers offer a unique value that can have a huge impact on your health. Find out some of the best reasons that you should consider getting (or keeping) a primary care provider.

16 Questions You Should Ask Your New Primary Care Provider
Finding the right primary doctor can be a challenge. It’s important to ask the right questions. Find out if a doctor is right for you with these 16 questions.

4 Reasons You Need to Stay Hydrated
Did you know that the definition of “staying hydrated” is different for everyone? Find out why hydration is important for your body and how to identify your ideal daily fluid intake.