Category: Fitness

Yoga for Heart Health

Yoga and Meditation for Heart Health

Learn how adding yoga and other mind-body practices to your routine can help improve your heart.

Exercise for Heart Health

It’s Time to Get Moving: How to Exercise for Heart Health

Heart disease is the leading cause of death among Americans, contributing to 1 in 4 deaths. While it’s common, it’s largely preventable for most people through lifestyle choices. An important component of this lifestyle is exercise for heart health.

Strengthen Your Immune System with 7 Simple Strategies

From diet and exercise to washing your hands, learn what the experts say about keeping your immune system in shape to protect you from becoming ill.

Man running

The Benefits of Bariatric Surgery Beyond Weight Loss

Bariatric surgery and weight loss go hand in hand. But trimming down isn’t the only perk of this life-changing procedure.

Can You Get a Staph Infection at the Gym?

You have the best of intentions when joining a gym. You want to become more physically active, boost your heart health and build your muscles. But can you pick up a disease, such as a staph infection, at the gym? The short answer: Yes, you can. But don’t fear! You can reduce your chance of getting sick by taking a few safety precautions.

Is There Such a Thing as a Healthy Sports Drink?

It is very important to stay hydrated, especially when exercising. But is a sports drink the right option for you? Learn when to choose a sports drink and when water is best.

The Most Common Endurance Sports Injuries and How to Treat Them

Participating in endurance sports like running, swimming, or cycling can put you at a higher risk for sports injuries. Find out what steps to take if you’re athletic performance has been affected by a sports injury.

Teenagers playing soccer

7 Tips to Help Your Child Avoid Sports Injury This Season

The sports season is straight ahead. Taking some basic precautions now can help your child avoid sports injury later. Find out what you can do.

Metal joint replacement pieces for hip and knee

What to Expect With Joint Replacement Surgery

If you’re in the process of considering a joint replacement, you might be wondering what your surgery and recovery might look like. Learn what to expect before, during and after joint replacement surgery.

Older woman sitting with weights as she exercises at home

How Exercise Can Boost Your Mood

You already know that exercise is good for you, but did you know that scientific evidence suggests that exercise plays a critical role in mental health? Learn how exercise influences your mood.