Category: Women’s Health

Hormone Therapy

Hormone Therapy: Understanding the Benefits and Risks

Feeling confused about whether hormone therapy for menopause symptoms may be right for you? You’re not alone.

Perimenopause Supplements

Are Perimenopause Supplements Safe or Effective?

Over-the-counter herbal treatments are touted as a hormone-free solution for perimenopause symptoms such as hot flashes and mood swings. But do any of them work?

COPD and Sex: Opening the Door to Care and Satisfaction

Approximately 66 in 100 people with COPD aren’t satisfied with their sex life, but only 6 in 100 talk with their health care provider about their concerns. Learn how to have a healthy sex life while living with the challenges of COPD.

Four happy women

How Are Menopause and Mental Health Connected?

During the years leading up to and after menopause, nurturing your mental health is extra important.

Advice for Women Who Are at a High Risk for Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is very common among women. How do you know if you’re at a high risk for developing it? Learn more about how risk is determined and recommended next steps.

young women wearing breast cancer ribbons

What You Need to Know About Breast Cancer in Younger Women

While rare, breast cancer in people under 40 does occur. Learn if you’re at risk and what symptoms to watch out for.

People working out in a group class

Osteoporosis: Exercises to Improve Bone Health

Osteoporosis is a bone disease that weakens the bones in your body. With an increased risk of sustaining an injury accompanying the disease, it can be challenging to know what exercises for osteoporosis are safe. People living with osteoporosis can, and should, exercise. They may just need to adjust their exercise routine a bit to accommodate their diagnosis for safety and good health.

Woman getting her hair styled

Uterine Cancer and Chemical Hair Straighteners

Among the many unique health care challenges that women face throughout their lives, a new concern is growing about the connection between the chemical hair straighteners that some women use and the development of uterine cancer.

Woman holding her abdomen

Frequent Urination: When Diabetes and Menopause Affect the Bladder

Women who urinate too frequently may not know that Type 2 diabetes and menopause are common causes of their condition. Fortunately, there are many solutions for treating frequent urination, regardless of the reason.

Woman talking to her doctor

What Symptoms Should You Discuss With Your Gynecologist?

How do you know when you need to see your gynecologist? Learn which symptoms you should never ignore.