Category: Conditions & Treatments

Heart Complications Don’t Discriminate by Age
Many people believe that heart complications only affect older people, but they can actually affect people at any age. Learn more about how heart problems can touch all age groups and what you can do to reduce your risk.

7 Common Cholesterol Myths Busted
Keeping your cholesterol levels in check can help you avoid heart disease. Unfortunately, there is still a lot of misinformation out there about cholesterol, what it does to the body, and how to maintain healthy levels. Learn the truth behind the myths.

What to Expect With Joint Replacement Surgery
If you’re in the process of considering a joint replacement, you might be wondering what your surgery and recovery might look like. Learn what to expect before, during and after joint replacement surgery.

The Truth About Diabetes and Weight Loss
Losing enough weight might not cure your Type 2 diabetes, but it can make a big difference. Learn how weight is related to the disease and what you can do to lose weight the healthy way.

Heart Failure at Home: 5 Ways to Stay Safe
The success of heart failure treatment depends on how you manage the condition at home. Learn what you can do to stay safe and out of the hospital.

6 Ways Arthritis Puts Pressure on Your Health
Arthritis often occurs in tandem with other chronic health conditions. Learn about six of its partners in crime and what you can do to reduce symptoms.

Stress-Induced Heart Attacks: Fact or Fiction?
Discover how stress silently impacts your heart health and learn simple strategies to protect yourself from its harmful effects.

Solutions to Manage Nighttime Back Pain
If you experience chronic back pain, it may feel worse at night when you are trying to rest. Learn more about what sleeping positions can help you reduce your back pain.

When Pain After Knee Surgery Isn’t Normal
A total knee replacement is supposed to relieve knee pain, not make it worse. Find out if the post joint replacement pains you’re experiencing are normal.

4 Ways Cardiac Rehab Gives Your Heart a Fresh Start
After having a cardiac event, whether it’s a heart attack or surgery, cardiac rehabilitation is an essential part of your recovery. Find out what cardiac rehab is and how it can improve your life.