Category: Conditions & Treatments

Find a Lump in Your Breast? What to Do Next

Breast self-exams are an effective way women can monitor their breast health in between annual screenings. However, just because you find a lump in your breast doesn’t mean it is necessarily cancer. In fact, breast

Strokes 101: How to Identify and Prevent Strokes

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in the United States, someone has a stroke every 40 seconds—and every four minutes, an individual dies from stroke. While those may seem like staggering statistics, 80% of strokes are preventable.

7 Tips for Dealing With Chronic Insomnia

Do you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep? Millions of Americans have some type of sleep disorder, which is any condition that negatively impacts the ability to sleep. Thankfully, there are ways to get the rest you need.

Finding Relief from Neck Pain

In today’s world full of mobile devices and computer screens, more people are feeling neck pain than ever before. Fortunately, there are some simple solutions for relief.

Suicide Prevention: How to Recognize Red Flags—and Where to Reach Out for Help

Suicide is complicated and can be very scary to talk about. But it is an important conversation to have – one that could save lives. Suicide is preventable.

Addressing Spinal Pain with Acupuncture

The ancient health care practice of acupuncture has been shown to improve pain, increase circulation, heal tissues and much more. It even helps with back pain and spine surgery.

How to Tell If a Cut Is Infected or Healing

Everyone gets a cut sometimes. Most cuts can be treated at home, but sometimes they get infected and need medical attention. Know when to seek care.

Do’s and Don’ts for a Back Injury

Ever felt a twinge in your back? For most of us, it’s a familiar sensation. But in some cases, back discomfort can be a sign of a back injury.

Does Your Burn Need Medical Attention?

When should you treat a burn at home versus going to an urgent care center or the emergency room? Some burns can easily be treated at home, but more serious burns require immediate care. Here’s how to tell the difference.

Strategies for Living Well With Crohn’s Disease

When you are living with a chronic condition like Crohn’s disease, your health is always on your mind. When will your symptoms make an appearance? Where is the closest bathroom? Is it okay to accept the invitation to a dinner party next weekend? Learn steps you can take to live well and feel your best.