Category: Conditions & Treatments

How to Manage High Cholesterol and Protect Your Heart

Have you been told you have high cholesterol? Learning how to manage this condition can help you protect your heart.

Man with chest pain coughing

Making Sense of Emphysema and How It Affects the Lungs

Emphysema is a type of lung disease that affects more than 3 million Americans, according to the American Lung Association. While the condition is relatively common, it’s also preventable in many cases.

Woman exercising outside

What’s the Best Kind of Exercise for Type 2 Diabetes?

If you have Type 2 diabetes, your provider may have recommended that you exercise regularly. But when is the best time? And what should you do? Here are some tips to get you started.

What Every Person Should Know About Stroke Symptoms

Each year, around 800,000 Americans have a stroke, a medical emergency that can have a debilitating effect on the brain and body. Knowing stroke symptoms is the first step toward protecting your health.

Weight-Loss Medications and Bariatric Surgery: What You Need to Know

The hype about newer weight-loss medications is everywhere. Should you take them? Can they help you lose even more weight following bariatric surgery?

Three medical providers with a patient

The COPD Transitional Care Team Gets You Home Safely

Living with COPD is difficult. The COPD Transitional Care Team is here to help. Learn how they support patients who live with this chronic disease.

Cholesterol lowering foods

Filling Your Plate with Foods that Lower Cholesterol

People with high cholesterol have likely received advice from their providers about managing their condition. In addition to taking medications, making heart-healthy lifestyle changes, like losing weight, working out regularly and eating a healthy, nutritious diet, can help.

Man with abdominal pain

Am I at Risk of an Abdominal Aneurysm?

When you hear about someone experiencing an aneurysm, the brain probably comes to mind, but aneurysms can also affect other parts of the body. An abdominal aneurysm is one example.

Woman feeling positive and happy

How to Unleash the Power of Positive Psychology

Has anyone ever told you to “think positive” or “focus on the good”? They might not have known it when they said it, but those phrases relate to a type of psychology known as positive psychology.

Man taking a deep breath

Pulmonary Rehabilitation: A Breath of Fresh Air

Although there’s no cure for many chronic lung diseases, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), they can be successfully managed.