Category: Neurological Conditions

What is a Silent Stroke?
A stroke occurs when the blood flow to the brain is interrupted, a medical event that can potentially cause permanent damage and disability. While many strokes will present with obvious symptoms, there exists a less obvious type referred to as a “silent stroke” that can still result in loss of oxygen to brain cells and the same kind of effects over time.

Strokes 101: How to Identify and Prevent Strokes
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in the United States, someone has a stroke every 40 seconds—and every four minutes, an individual dies from stroke. While those may seem like staggering statistics, 80% of strokes are preventable.

Finding Relief from Neck Pain
In today’s world full of mobile devices and computer screens, more people are feeling neck pain than ever before. Fortunately, there are some simple solutions for relief.

More than a Migraine
Migraines are sometimes more than just a pain. These severe headaches can be related to other health concerns. Learn some conditions that can cause and be caused by migraines.

How to Find the Right Wheelchair System
If you need a wheelchair system, it can be difficult to find the right fit for you and your lifestyle. Here’s what you need to consider when looking for one.

Is It a Headache or Something More Serious?
Headaches are common and can be caused by many different things, but it’s important to know when you should get professional help. Learn more.

How to Recover After a Stroke
Having a stroke can change your life, but having the right recovery plan and understanding the stages of stroke recovery can help you regain a sense of normalcy. Learn what to expect during the stroke recovery process.

How to Support Your Loved One After Traumatic Brain Injury
Traumatic brain injuries can be a challenge for recover from — for both the patient and caregivers alike. Learn how to support your loved one during rehabilitation after traumatic brain injury.

Why a Mini-stroke Poses a Big Risk to Your Health
A ministroke isn’t quite a stroke, but the two have a lot in common. When a ministroke occurs, a stroke may not be far behind. Learn more.

Understanding Lewy Body Dementia
What is Lewy body dementia, and how does it differ from Alzheimer’s disease? The University of Maryland Medical System shares facts about Lewy body dementia.