Category: Lung Conditions

COPD and Sex: Opening the Door to Care and Satisfaction
Approximately 66 in 100 people with COPD aren’t satisfied with their sex life, but only 6 in 100 talk with their health care provider about their concerns. Learn how to have a healthy sex life while living with the challenges of COPD.

Not Just for Kids: What to Know About RSV in Adults
Your little one was just diagnosed with RSV, and his pediatrician said to be careful taking him around older adults. But why is that? The precaution is because RSV in adults, particularly those aged 60 and older, can be dangerous.

COPD Holiday Tips: Avoiding Health Risks to Enjoy the Season
The holiday season brings joy and celebration, but for those with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), it can also pose unique challenges. Here are six essential tips to help you enjoy the festivities while prioritizing your respiratory health.

Pneumonia Treatment: What Does It Take to Feel Better?
Matching you with the most appropriate pneumonia treatment depends, in part, on what kind of germ caused the infection.

Making Sense of Emphysema and How It Affects the Lungs
Emphysema is a type of lung disease that affects more than 3 million Americans, according to the American Lung Association. While the condition is relatively common, it’s also preventable in many cases.

The COPD Transitional Care Team Gets You Home Safely
Living with COPD is difficult. The COPD Transitional Care Team is here to help. Learn how they support patients who live with this chronic disease.

Pulmonary Rehabilitation: A Breath of Fresh Air
Although there’s no cure for many chronic lung diseases, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), they can be successfully managed.

Breathe Easier with Oxygen Therapy at Home and On the Go
Oxygen therapy may sound like a complex procedure that limits a person’s mobility and daily routine. However, the need for oxygen therapy doesn’t necessarily restrict a person from their regular daily life. Learn how oxygen therapy works and who it may benefit.

Take a Deep Breath: How to Use an Inhaler
Inhalers are generally prescribed to people who have a pulmonary disease, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or asthma. Using an inhaler correctly helps your medicine work better. An inhaler is not to be …

4 Steps to Improve Your COPD
Don’t let your chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) send you to the hospital. Learn how to manage your COPD symptoms with the help of your provider.