Category: Ear, Nose and Throat Conditions

Not Just for Kids: What to Know About RSV in Adults
Your little one was just diagnosed with RSV, and his pediatrician said to be careful taking him around older adults. But why is that? The precaution is because RSV in adults, particularly those aged 60 and older, can be dangerous.

Wondering What to Eat When You’re Sick? Try These Comforting Foods.
If you’re feeling under the weather, getting the right nutrition takes on a new importance. Find out which foods may help you feel better when you’re feeling sick.

How to Treat a Sinus Infection
You know how to treat a cold, but this seems like something else. That runny nose, facial pain, headache and sore throat just won’t go away — and you may also have bad breath and a cough. You go to the primary care provider and learn it’s not a cold; it’s a sinus infection. What does that mean and how do you treat it?

How to Know if You’re Having an Allergic Reaction to Antibiotics
You’re under the weather with a bacterial infection. To get you back to feeling your best, your doctor prescribed an antibiotic. But now that you’ve started taking it, you’re experiencing other symptoms. How can you tell if it’s an allergic reaction to antibiotics?

Ear Tube Surgery
Do you sometimes wonder if you or your child would benefit from ear tube surgery? Here’s how to recognize whether you or the child might, what to expect from the procedure — and how to avoid needing it in the first place.

COVID-19 Recovery: Addressing Lingering Side Effects
Individuals who contract COVID-19 experience various intensities of the virus. Some have very few symptoms or are asymptomatic, while others are hospitalized for weeks. Unfortunately, “recovery” for these patients hasn’t necessarily been achieved simply by testing negative. Melissa Arasz and Angela Ferrara, speech pathologists with the University of Maryland Rehabilitation Network, discuss the importance of rehabilitation for patients in a post-virus phase.

When Is Allergy Season? That Depends on Your Allergy
You often hear the phrase “allergy season,” but when is allergy season, exactly? That’s a bit of a trick question. There are allergy seasons that run throughout the year, and whether you’re affected at a given time depends on what allergens your body reacts to and when those are in the air.

The 2 Biggest Ways Technology Takes a Toll on Your Health
Adults in the United States spent 21 hours a week using these devices. While such devices are generally safe, there are health risks to watch out for.

Is It A Cold, Sinus Infection or Allergies?
Spring is on the horizon. Many Marylanders will begin experiencing the tell-tale signs of spring allergies: itching, sneezing and stuffy nose. But this collection of symptoms could also mean that you have a common cold or even a sinus infection. How can you tell the difference?

Everything You Need to Know About Spring Allergies
Spring is a beautiful time of the year — unless you have allergies. Find out how you can tell if you have allergies and how you can relieve your symptoms.