Category: Cancer

Cancer Patient Meditating

Simple Ways to Feel Better During Cancer Treatment

Cancer treatment can take a toll on the body and mind. Lifestyle adjustments, diet changes and coping strategies can help you feel your best.

Advice for Women Who Are at a High Risk for Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is very common among women. How do you know if you’re at a high risk for developing it? Learn more about how risk is determined and recommended next steps.

young women wearing breast cancer ribbons

What You Need to Know About Breast Cancer in Younger Women

While rare, breast cancer in people under 40 does occur. Learn if you’re at risk and what symptoms to watch out for.

woman being checked for skin cancer

How to Reduce Your Risk of Skin Cancer

There’s nothing like spending time outdoors on a sunny day. But exposure to harmful UV rays remains the leading cause of skin cancer. While some other risk factors for skin cancer are out of your control, certain lifestyle changes can make a big difference.

Doctor looking at man's face for skin cancer

Skin Cancer on Your Face: How to Deal with It

The best way to reduce your chances of getting skin cancer is to wear sunscreen, long sleeves and a wide-brimmed hat, and stay indoors during the hottest parts of the day. Still, there’s no 100 percent guaranteed way to prevent skin cancer. If you develop skin cancer on your face, a quick diagnosis allows you to treat it with the best results.

Advances in Breast Cancer Treatments Keep Coming

Radiation therapy, chemotherapy and surgery were go-to breast cancer treatments for years. Though these options continue to help, new therapies are changing breast cancer care for good.

Man getting test results

Colorectal Cancer Symptoms: What You Need to Know

Early detection is key when it comes to colorectal cancer, a type of cancer that starts in the colon or the rectum. That’s why being aware of colorectal cancer symptoms as well as risk factors is essential to your health.

Sharing a cancer diagnosis

Sharing Your Cancer Diagnosis

Everyone reacts to a cancer diagnosis differently. Cancer can affect nearly every aspect of your life, so there will be certain people with whom you need to share your diagnosis. It helps to think through how you plan to break the news.

Cancer Survivorship Support and Options

Survivorship services provide deeper support for patients during and after cancer treatment.

African American woman concerned

Why Are Uterine Cancer Cases Rising?

An increasing number of women are being diagnosed with cancer, but early detection saves lives. Learn about the symptoms of uterine cancer.