If you or someone you love has COPD, it is very important to know when breathing is normal and when extra help is needed. This video outlines the symptoms that signal the beginning of trouble and when you need help right away. Use the COPD Symptom Alert Guide to determine if you are in the red, yellow or green zone. Download a printable Symptom Alert Guide below.
Take a breath!
For COPD patients — managing your health at home includes knowing if you are in the RED, YELLOW OR GREEN zone and how to react.
The Red Zone
The RED ZONE means you need to get to an Emergency Room or call 911 right away!
Red could mean:
- Your rescue medications are not working.
- You have trouble breathing when resting.
- You feel confused or sleepy.
- Your nails or lips are turning blue or grey.
The Yellow Zone
The YELLOW ZONE means you need to take action today by calling your doctor’s office as soon as possible. This includes nights, weekends and holidays. Someone is always on call to help you. This is also an appropriate time to go to you local Urgent Care.
Yellow could mean:
- Your cough is worse than usual.
- Your mucus color or amount has changed.
- You’re using a rescue inhaler or a nebulizer more often.
- You have trouble breathing while doing regular activities like walking, talking, eating, bathing or dressing.
- You feel tired or restless.
- Your oxygen saturation levels are dropping.
- You need more pillows or you have to sit up to sleep.
- You have a fever over 100.4.
The Green Zone
The GREEN ZONE requires no action and you are in control.
Green could mean:
- Your cough is the same as always.
- Your usual dose of medicine is working.
- Your breathing is at the usual pace.
Take note of how you feel every day.
Tracking this helps to make sure you don’t wait too long to get the care you may need.