Why You Should Go to Your Well-Woman Exam This Year

When you’re caught up in life’s hustle and bustle, it can be easy to let your health take last priority. While it may be tempting to skip your annual well-woman exam, it’s actually one of the most important things a woman can do for her health.

Life is hectic and most women are busy. Between work, relationships, and maybe even children, it can be easy for women to put their health to the side. However, it’s important for women to view their well-woman exam as a necessary act of self-care. 

Learn why every woman should go to her well-woman exam every year.

Prevent Breast Cancer

All well-woman exams include a breast exam, where the doctor examines the breasts and feels for any abnormal masses that could indicate cancer. Your doctor will know how to identify signs of breast cancer, infections or cysts. Considering that one in every eight American women will develop breast cancer in her lifetime, the breast exam serves as a critical part of the well-woman exam. 

Prevent Pelvic Cancers

Well-woman exams typically include a pelvic exam. Similar to the breast exam, your doctor will feel around the pelvis for any abnormal masses that could indicate cancer or other issues. Some well-woman exams will also include a pap smear, but this depends on your health history, age, and other factors.

Younger women may also be encouraged to get their HPV vaccine during their exam, an important series of shots that help prevent cervical and other common types of cancer.

Maintain Your Reproductive Health

One important part of the well-woman exam is discussing different aspects of your reproductive health. Your doctor can be a helpful resource for finding the right birth control options and screening for sexually transmitted diseases.

They can also be a wealth of information for safe-sex practices. If you have a question about sexual health or having safe sex, take advantage of your well-woman exam time and talk to an expert.

You can also address any issues or questions you might have with your period. Providing information around the frequency, flow, and discomfort levels you feel during “that time of the month” can help your doctor identify any underlying conditions that may need to be addressed.

Help with Pregnancy

If you are hoping to get pregnant soon, a well-woman exam provides an ideal opportunity to discuss your goals and next steps with an expert. Your doctor can advise on how you can change your lifestyle to optimize for conception, such as nutrition, diet and exercise.

They can also address any concerns you might have from your health history or family health history. If you are currently using contraception, your doctor can advise on how and when to stop so your family planning can stay on track.

Nothing is wrong, so why should I go?

When life gets busy, it’s easy to push aside preventative doctor’s appointments like the well-woman exam. After all, if nothing is wrong, then why take the time to go?

Often, people have underlying problems that they aren’t aware of. It often takes an annual exam or doctor’s visit to uncover these problems and begin treatment.

Committing to addressing potential health problems proactively, even when you’re sure nothing is wrong, can help prevent more severe health conditions in the future. In the case of cancer, it can even make the difference between life or death.

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